
 2023 this far being such a heartbreaking year in so many way.. 

My eyes never been drenched in as many days as in this years. 

Vulnerability seems works on me, I've never been this fragile before, I've never hate myself as I am now.. 

Wallahi if this going to be darker and darker, insya Allah soon fajr will come.. 

May Allah make it easier for me to prepare a better myself for fajr, make me do my homework to become a better and a better person for tomorrow. 

I hope in 2024, I finally can say that I'm ready for death, I'm doing my homework and ready anytime my ajal will come.. 

I want to be a muslimah that continuously preparing for my ajal, and I hope 2024 would be my first year and keep counting till my days ended.. 

Ya Rabb, may we die in khusnul khatimah. Ya Rabb make me an obedient slave, make me an obedient child, make it easier for me to do good toward my parents and people. Ya Rabb if I can't search the answer in You The Owner of me, and all my problem, The Most Merciful toward His creations, than I will never find the answer ya Rabb. Ya Rabb make it easier for me, ya Rabb make me ready for death, ya Rabb make me one of people that can see you in yaumul akhir ya Rabb. Aamiin. 


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