
Allah doesn't like love that bigger than love toward Him
Second is of course to our prophet (shalallahu'alaihi wa sallam)
Third must be parents (I suppose) surga di bawah telapak kaki ibu kan?

But I think I messed up with the order
Sometimes when my iman fall from the cliff
That times with low low iman in my heart
I get galau so easily, I miss someone, bigger than anything else
And my life get so messy, trouble, problem from every direction
But the main point is my low state of iman

I suppose to measure everything with iman
What I need to do, my priority
All measurement is available in our deen
Every decision that I suppose to take
And things that need to be prioritized
So then, if I want to solve every trouble
That might be I'm the one who caused it
I need to fix my iman first
If I want work properly I need to fix the instrument
Although Allah the one who can to fix it
I need to pray for it, and do my best
So that my desicion is not based from nafsu
But objective from the guidance
That I always have to learn


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